Reusability in the data cleansing patterns is realized through the definition of cleansing rules that can be applied at the record level through a service or through a batch process for bulk data. 数据清理模式中的可重用性是通过清理规则的定义来实现的,这些清理规则可以在记录级别应用,也可以在服务或通过大量数据的批处理应用。
Rational Quality Manager now can automatically assign automated tests to the appropriate adapter running in a test environment that matches the test environment specified at the Execution Record level. RationalQualityManager现在可以向适当的适配器自动分配自动化的测试,这些适配器运行于测试环境中,该测试环境与在ExecutionRecord级别指定的测试环境相匹配。
While China-Germany cooperation has reached a record level, we can do even better. 目前中德合作已经达到历史新高度,但中国有句老话,百尺竿头更进一步。
The US special petroleum reserve is currently at a record high level of 727m barrels. 美国的战略石油储备目前处于7.27亿桶的创纪录高水平。
The record efficiency level was achieved intests in Sydney and replicated at the United Statesgovernment's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the university said. 该大学表示,他们在悉尼测验的时候获得了创下记录的效率等级,在美国国家可再生能源实验室再次获得了这一记录。
Our countries lead the way in Europe on jobs – in each country employment reached a record level in 2013. 我们两个国家在就业方面走在欧洲前列&两国的就业率均在2013年创下历史最高水平。
The year of2006 has passed with the characteristics that oil price rushed to historical record level and fell from the peak drastically by a large margin. 以石油价格冲至历史高位继而又从顶峰急剧大幅度跌落为特点的2006年已经过去。
During the year, the group has achieved another record level in turnover reflecting its superior position in the global computer monitor industry and world-class production capabilities. 年度期间,集团营业额录得可观增长,反映集团拥有世界级生产能力及在全球电脑显示器市场之领先地位。
The freakishly cold winter has pushed electricity consumption to a record level. 异样寒冷的冬天已经创下了电力消耗的记录。
It has become almost conventional wisdom today that the 2000 peak of 11700 on the Dow was a record level of overvaluation, based on the twin measures of the 10-year rolling inflation-adjusted price-earnings ratio and the "Q" ratio of price to book value. 按照通胀调整后的10年滚动的市盈率和市净率(q比率)这两大标准衡量,2000年时道指的11700点,是创纪录的估值过高水平,这几乎已经成为当今的传统看法。
The record level of defaults and foreclosures continues to add to the stock of unsold homes. 创纪录的贷款违约及丧失赎质权案件进一步增加了未售房屋存量。
This week the yield for 30-year bonds rose to a record level of 114 basis points above that of the 10-year note. 本周,30年期国债收益率比10年期国债高出114个基点,创历史最高水平。
From the financial collapse to seesaw gas prices, the only thing that seems certain today is the record level of national uncertainty. 从金融危机到波动的燃油价格,现在唯一可以确定的就是这个国家的不确定性达到了历史高点。
They claim to have developed a system which allows them to record higher level brain activity. 他们称已经发现了一套可以记实年夜脑高级勾当的系统。
For the largest ever auction of two year notes ($ 44bn) on Tuesday, dealers were surprised by a record level of direct demand. These are not investors expecting interest rates or inflation to rise any time soon. 至于周二进行的、有史以来规模最大的两年期国债拍卖(440亿美元),创纪录的直接需求也令交易商感到意外。这些投资者不认为美国利率或通胀水平将在近期内走高。
The price of oil has risen close to a record level, putting more pressure on OPEC to give a positive signal about production levels at its meeting in Vienna next week. 油价日前已升至接近历史高位的水平,这加大了石油输出国组织(opec,又称欧佩克)在下周维也纳会议上就产量水平发出积极信号的压力。
The proportion of bank lending going to business will next year probably reach a record level. 商业贷款占银行贷款总额的比例可能会在明年达到创纪录水平。
New Serials MARC Bibliographic Record Level: Access Level Record 西文连续出版物新书目记录等级&访问级记录
But just because national headlines show double-digit drops in home prices and a record level of foreclosures doesn't mean that's the case for every home in every market. 但是,仅仅因为国家的头条显示双位数字的下降,房屋价格和创纪录的水平中,赎回并不意味着这种情况对每个家庭的每一个市场都有效。
Analysts expect absolute investment numbers this year to make a leap towards the record level of 201.6bn seen in 2008. 分析师们预期,今年的绝对投资额会出现大的飞跃,逼近2008年创纪录的2016亿欧元。
In 1988 the production of phosphate fertilizers and sulfuric acid reached a record level. 1988年磷肥、硫酸产量均创历史最好水平。
Distributed DBMS on network environment, user's privileges to record level is usually distributed. 基于网络环境的分布式数据库管理系统,往往需要将用户权限分配到记录级。
The programming was performed with the cdbase& ⅱ. This system contains three subsystems: the file level, record level, and borrowing files. 该系统是用CDBASE-Ⅱ编程,设有案卷级、文件级和借阅档案三个子系统。
Figures show that record trade surpluses and economic growth have been accompanied by an equally record level of environmental degradation. 历史数据表明,同等程度的贸易盈余和经济增长,伴随着同等程度的环境恶化。
Has analyzed the corresponding relations of the vocational education school record level and the national professional qualifications rank; 分析了职业教育学历层次与国家职业资格证书级别的对应关系;
The whole quality raised by a big margin, the record level of the whole term has surpassed the average level of the whole region cadres. 整体素质有了较大幅度的提高,整个队伍的学历水平已经超过了全区干部队伍的平均水平;
With the superposition of economic growth and various encouraging policy, the production and sales in the passenger car market in China maintain sustained high growth resent years, and the quantity keeps hitting the record level. 受到经济增长和多种鼓励消费政策的叠加作用,近年来我国乘用车市场生产和销售保持连续高增长的态势,产销量屡创新高。